Next Week

Photo by Nick Smith

Consider this a teaser for next week, what is sure to be a hat week of sorts. I'm having a hat moment right now, wearing one as I type this. I somehow managed to purchase about six or seven of them in the past six months and I just cannot be stopped. I can have a hat on my head and walk by another one and be compelled to purchase it. Like this one in the photo above. I was obessing over a Maison Michel hat (this one), but felt the price was ridiculous and outrageous. I was bummed, left yearning for jewel toned wool, floppy brimmed statement hat. So then, when walking by the Embarcadero Gardening Store — yes a store for ladies and gentlemen who garden — I snatched it up quickly upon seeing it hanging above a mirror, litearlly in front of someone else that I thought was eyeing it, but in reality was eying a mini trowel next to it.  Issues. I have them. Happy Friday. See you all next week.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny, Olga. I would love to add more hats to my wardrobe but somehow the only one I have is still the black wool fedora! Can we see a pic of the collection that you have amassed in the past months? :)
