Photos by Nick Smith

Remember that movie? I sure don't. But I do remember the line in the trailer — only ever appropriate when dictated in ALL CAPS — that I to this day could not stop repeating without laughing,  " I DON'T WANT [pause] YOUR LIFE." With the persistence of athleticism as a fashion trend, it's becoming really easy to slip back into my old high school habits. After all, those were the days of my peak athletic abilities. My old ways of owning various colors of the same clothing item, wearing lots of pants, lots of collars, and being ultra competitive. I even have the same short haircut from then, born out of the exact same impatience of not being able to grow out my wispy hair. Just about the only thing I did grow out of was the crisis of not knowing if loving clothes this much was going to be sustainable in any sort of way in my life. Thank goodness for the internet, blogging, my fiancé with a camera, and my freaking adorable readers who enable this madness.



  1. This made my morning! Love those pants, too.

  2. Also, Olga, I'll be in SF in three weeks (for my honeymoon!) and was wondering if you had any local haunts particularly worthy of a recommendation? Love some of the places you post on Instagram. If you're willing to give some recs, just let me know here and I'll shoot you an e-mail!
