These Are My (Blogging) Confessions

Having a blog is one of the best things I've ever done, but one of the most common questions I get is "What are your goals for it?"

Goals? I don't even know how to answer that. For a blog? I write and post to this blog because I love clothes and fashion, I like the idea of sharing my thoughts on trends and tailored things, and I find it crazy humbling when people actually read, comment, or even email me with kindness. To me, this is enough. I have a job in advertising that I love, but it demands a lot of time sometimes. That is my career, and I'm building up skills in that industry for the long term.

So what's so bad about this blog being just a coffee date with a couple people every morning, or an afternoon break where we both muse about the same things? That sounds pretty lovely to me, actually. Not mediocrity, just fine. The fact is that blogging gets competitive, although I haven't experienced that in San Francisco (where the ladies I met are absolutely kind and also hard working) and working hard to stay part of the "who's who" to get invited to things is equally exhausting. So let me just come clean about this one thing: this right now, my honesty in every post, you (my reader) and your time, is enough for me.

(PS: That photo is from 2010, taken in Venice, Italy, right as my actual face starting appearing on this blog)


  1. I feel ya lady! Love your style. Keep doing YOU!

  2. thank you, thank you, thank you! i hear so much about how you can "become a full time blogger," and while i don't bemoan the people that want that, i do not. i too have a job that i love and that i'm passionate about; i just happen to be equally passionate about my blog, but in a different way. so go ahead girl, as alexandra said, keep doing're pretty fab at it!

    1. Kim, you're a sweetheart. I'm a fan of you, too. Keep on killing it! I'm so proud we're all in the same city. Lots of talent in the Bay Area.


  3. I always get asked this question as well and I never know how to answer it.

    1. Maybe we should all make a pact to answer in a secret code that no one will understand but us. ;)

  4. I understand and fully support your notion. As a silent observer of many blogs and a writer of my own, I enjoy the thought of sharing my life and loves with those that care to stop past. A coffee and chat with a friend is exactly how I would describe my need and want to blog. Thank you for being YOU in this crazy world!
